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Report a Concern

Best Practices for Resolving Concerns

The Office of Investigations, Compliance & Accountability (ICA), formerly known as the Quality Assurance Office (QAO), was established to facilitate a fair and impartial conflict resolution process and provide a safe space for our SDUSD Community to voice their concerns or file a report when they believe there is a violation of District policy, procedure or statute.

The most expedient and effective way to resolve conflicts are directly at the site level with the decisionmakers who have the authority to take action.

Reporting Misconduct

San Diego Unified School District is committed to a safe and supportive learning environment, free of bias, prejudice, and discrimination. The District takes violations of policies, laws, and regulations seriously. Unethical behavior, bullying, harassment, safety threats, and other misconduct will be promptly addressed in accordance with District policies and procedures.

You can obtain more information about the District’s response to misconduct, or reporting a concern, below.


To report suspicious activity or a crime on or around schools or District sites, contact the San Diego Unified Police Department at (619) 291-7678 (24 hours a day) or email [email protected]

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